The goal of the Green Rights and Warrior Lawyers project is to create a cutting-edge educational platform that brings issues of environmental rights and the rights of nature vividly to life through the power of stories: the personal stories of individual environmental defenders around the world and the “warrior lawyers” who represent them in their pursuit of “green rights”.
Around the world, environmental defenders are using law to vindicate people’s right to live in a healthy environment, and the rights of nature to exist and flourish.
The legal systems of more than 150 countries recognize the human right to live in a healthy environment. Several recognize the legal rights of nature or Mother Earth. And a campaign for a global treaty on environmental rights is gaining steam. Canada, Australia, the US and a handful of other countries are increasingly isolated in their failure to recognize a right to live in a healthy environment in their constitutions or other national laws.
At the same time, young people, land defenders and public interest lawyers in Canada and beyond are pursuing environmental justice by asserting a human right to clean air, water, land, food or a stable climate system, or by standing up for the rights of animals, rivers, species or ecosystems.
Building a multimedia learning platform
A collaboration with renowned environmental author and educator, the late Dr. Silver Donald Cameron, the project draws these stories from in-depth video interviews and documentary films selected from Dr. Cameron’s collection at The Green Interview.
The project takes its name from Dr. Cameron’s 2016 documentary film Green Rights: The Human Right to a Healthy World and book Warrior Lawyers: From Manila to Manhattan, Attorneys for the Earth.

The project is developing a suite of educational resources for educators and students in a range of fields, at various stages of lifelong learning, in a variety of formats including:
- For-credit university courses, both in-person and online, including a seminar on Warrior Lawyers and Green Rights taught by Professor Stepan Wood in the Allard JD program (and previously a senior undergraduate political science course on Green Rights which was taught by Dr. Cameron at Cape Breton University);
- Open-access short educational videos available to educators and the public for free online;
- Open online courses for anyone curious about the subject;
- Fee-based continuing education and certificate programs for working professionals including lawyers, business managers, government officials, non-governmental organization staffers and community organizers.
These educational tools explore the theory and practice of environmental rights and public interest lawyering through real world stories of lawyers and others involved in struggles to protect people, species and ecosystems from environmental harm. Some of these stories come from the frontlines of environmental injustice, others from legal thinkers working behind the scenes.
The Green Rights & Warrior Lawyers project is designed to raise awareness and understanding of environmental rights and help galvanize movements to give these rights effective legal protection.
This project was born out of an exciting bi-coastal collaboration between British Columbia (Professor Wood and the Centre for Law & the Environment) and Nova Scotia (Dr. Cameron and The Green Interview). It carves out a unique niche in the environmental law education ecosystem by combining legal and journalistic methods. It mixes tools of legal theory, analysis and advocacy with journalistic techniques of documentary film, interviews, biography, blogging and storytelling to bring pressing environmental issues to life.
"Warrior Lawyer" Profiles
As part of the Allard "Green Rights and Warrior Lawyers" seminar, students research and write a biographical profile about one of the many lawyers working to advance environmental rights around the world. These profiles are published on the CLE blog.