'Ag Gag' Laws and the Charter - The Fight Against Laws to Keep Farmed Animal Suffering and Abuse Hidden from Public View

In this talk, Kaitlyn Mitchell, Animal Justice's director of legal advocacy, discussed the dangers of ag gag laws for animals, advocates, workers, and consumers, and why ag gag laws violate Canadians' Charter-protected rights to free expression.

Using Misleading Advertising to Protect the Earth -- and Other Tricks of the Trade
In this talk Calvin Sandborn, KC, reviewed the history of corporate greenwashing advertisements and their role in sabotaging climate action and other environmental protection. He will discuss how law students initiated the landmark Keurig coffee pod decision, played a key role in lobbying for new Competition Act greenwashing rules, and, can now use diverse consumer protection actions to protect the earth.

Mathur v Ontario Youth Climate Case Panel Discussion

In this webinar, the CLE welcomed four leading legal academics from across Canada shared their thoughts about the decision, its significance for climate law and policy, and what is in store for children’s climate litigation in Canada.

Green Rights and Warrior Lawyers Virtual Academy: Day 2
The CLE welcomed speakers and Warrior Lawyers Mari Margil, the More Than Human Life Project team (MOTH) from the University of New York and Leslee Silverman for Day 2 of the Academy. This innovative program mobilizes the power of stories to bring issues of environmental rights and justice to life and inspire action.

Green Rights and Warrior Lawyers Virtual Academy: Day 1
The CLE welcomed speakers and Warrior Lawyers Hugo Echeverría, Yenny Vega Cárdenas, Rita Mestokosho, and Leslee Silverman for Day 1 of the Academy. This innovative program mobilizes the power of stories to bring issues of environmental rights and justice to life and inspire action.

Sustainable Development, International Law, and a Turn to African Legal Cosmologies
The CLE hosted a talk by Godwin Dzah which focused on his pioneering book published in 2024 by Cambridge University Press. Godwin's book analyzes and reimagines the concept of sustainable development in international law from a non-Western legal perspective.

Development of the Rights of Nature in Colombia and the Global South: Challenges of Implementation for the Atrato River and the Amazon
The CLE hosted a talk by Diana Carolina Sanchez Zapata, a professor in the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences at the University of Antioquia. Diana Carolina's talk focused on the implementation processes of the Colombian court decisions that recognized the rights of nature for the Atrato River and the Amazon.

Indigenous Legal Principles and Values as an Opportunity for Coordinated Multi-Jurisdictional and Transboundary Freshwater Governance
The CLE hosted a talk by award-winning teacher and researcher, recognized internationally as a leader in the area of Indigenous laws, treaties and water, Aimée Craft. This talk canvassed three unique approaches within the Lake Winnipeg Watershed (the second largest in Canada) as case studies for Indigenous-led water governance and draw some common themes relating to indigenized and decolonial water governance.
In Their Own Words: Plaintiffs & Their Lawyers Speak About Youth Climate Cases, Part 4 – Juliana v US
In part four of this four part series on youth climate cases the CLE heard about Juliana v US from lawyer Andrea Rodgers and plaintiff Alex Loznak.

In Their Own Words: Plaintiffs & Their Lawyers Speak About Youth Climate Cases, Part 3 – Held v State of Montana
In part three of this four part series on youth climate cases the CLE heard about Held v State of Montana from lawyer Nate Bellinger and plaintiff Claire Vlases.

In Their Own Words: Plaintiffs & Their Lawyers Speak About Youth Climate Cases, Part 2 – La Rose v Canada
In part two of this four part series on youth climate cases the CLE heard about La Rose v Canada from lawyer Chris Tollefson and plaintiff Sadie Vipond.

In Their Own Words: Plaintiffs & Their Lawyers Speak About Youth Climate Cases, Part 1 – Mathur v Ontario
In part one of this four part series on youth climate cases the CLE heard about Mathur v Ontario from lawyer Danielle Gallant and plaintiff Shaelyn Wabegijig.

Climate Change Hits the Courts: The Public Trust Doctrine and Environmental Protection in Mathur
The CLE held a public talk by Professor Hassan Ahmad on how the public trust doctrine ought to be integrated into the section 7 Charter analysis such that governments would be required to preserve natural resources for current and future generations.

The Belongings of Precariously Housed People
The CLE held a launch event for the report "Possessions of Precariously Housed People" with insights from speakers Alexandra Flynn, Nicholas Blomley, Margot Young, Drew Hirschpold, Fiona York, and Julia Riddle.

Rush to Judgment: Taking Stock of Court Injunctions Against Homeless Encampments in BC
The CLE held a launch event for the report "Rush to Judgment: Taking Stock of Court Injunctions Against Homeless Encampments in BC" with insights from speakers Stepan Wood, Alex Kirby, and Darlene Kavka.

No Fly Zone Speaker: Protecting Pachamama: The Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature
The CLE "No Fly Zone" speaker series presented a live webinar with Natalia Greene to discuss the rights of nature movement.

Roundtable: Climate Defenders and the Necessity Defence
The CLE welcomed lawyers and activists from the Canada and the United States to discuss the prospects for using the necessity defence for climate defenders who are charged after acts of climate-related civil disobedience.

No Fly Zone Speaker: Sue Big Oil: A Legal Strategy for Political Accountability
The CLE's "No Fly Zone" speaker series presented a live webinar with Andrew Gage to discuss the Sue Big Oil campaign...
When: Thursday, February 9, 9:30 - 10:30

No Fly Zone Speaker: Generation Climate Action: The Youth-Led Charter Case Against Ontario
The CLE's "No Fly Zone" speaker series presented a live webinar with Danielle Gallant to discuss the groundbreaking lawsuit launched by seven young climate leaders, alleging that the Ontario government's climate targets violate their Charter-protected rights to life, liberty, and security of the person...
When: Thursday, February 2, 9:30 - 10:30

Green Rights and Warrior Lawyers Virtual Academy: Day 3
The CLE welcomed speakers and Warrior Lawyers Steven Donziger, Cormac Cullinan, Chima Williams, and Jacinta Ruru for Day 3 of the Academy. This innovative program mobilizes the power of stories to bring issues of environmental rights and justice to life and inspire action.

Green Rights and Warrior Lawyers Virtual Academy: Day 2
The CLE welcomed speakers and Warrior Lawyers Mumta Ito, Marjan Minnesma, and Tony Oposa for Day 2 of the Academy. This innovative program mobilizes the power of stories to bring issues of environmental rights and justice to life and inspire action.

Green Rights and Warrior Lawyers Virtual Academy: Day 1
The CLE welcomed speakers and Warrior Lawyers Terri-Lynn Williams-Davidson and Justice Brian Preston for Day 1 of the Academy. This innovative program mobilizes the power of stories to bring issues of environmental rights and justice to life and inspire action.

Te Hokowhitu a Tū: Indigenous Knowledge, Environments & Wellness in Aotearoa
The workshop speakers applied ancestral Māori knowledge in partnership with the environment to address contemporary issues in Indigenous health, education and wellness.

SEEING IS BELIEVING: Ethical Dilemmas in Videographic Methods
The Centre for Law & the Environment (CLE), in collaboration with Green College, hosted a workshop on incorporating creative methods into socio-legal research.

NECESSITY Film Screening and Discussion
The Centre for Law and Environment (CLE) and Green College hosted a screening of Jan Haaken's NECESSITY, a two-part documentary on legal strategies, allyship & climate resistance. It was followed by remarks from director Jan Haaken and commentary from Naomi Klein.

ATOMIC BAMBOOZLE: On the Promise of a Nuclear Renaissance
The Centre for Law & the Environment (CLE), in collaboration with Green College, welcomed Professor Jan Haaken to give a public lecture on her upcoming documentary film project, Atomic Bamboozle.

Workshop: Towards Legal Recognition for Non-Human Relations
In collaboration with the UBC Sustainability Initiative and the Center for Democratic and Environmental Rights (CDER), the CLE hosted an in-person workshop for individuals and organizations interested in enacting laws that respect and protect non-human beings like rivers, lakes, species and ecosystems...
When: Friday, May 6, 9:30 - 3:30

Towards Legal Recognition for Non-Human Relations, Webinar 3: Non-Human Species
This webinar was the third in a series of four events for those interested in enacting laws that respect and protect non-human beings like rivers, lakes, species, and ecosystems. This webinar focused on non-human species...
When: Tuesday, January 18, 12:30 - 1:30

No Fly Zone Speaker: Nature's Rights, Human Rights, and Economic Rights
The CLE's "No Fly Zone" speaker series presented a live webinar with Mumta Ito to discuss her experiences in the realm of advancing the rights of nature...
When: Thursday, November 18, 9:30 - 10:30

Towards Legal Recognition for Non-Human Relations, Webinar 2: Supernatural Beings and Sacred Places
This webinar was the second in a series of four workshops for those interested in enacting laws that respect and protect non-human beings like rivers, lakes, species, and ecosystems. This webinar focused on supernatural beings and sacred places...
When: Monday, October 18, 5:00 - 6:00

No Fly Zone
Speaker: Climate Defense Project: Climate Lawyers for the Climate Movement
The CLE's "No Fly Zone" speaker series presented a live webinar with Kelsey Skaggs to discuss her work on the Climate Defense Project and the rationale of using legal advocacy on behalf of climate activists...
When: Thursday, October 14, 9:30 - 10:30

No Fly Zone Speaker: The German KSG Case: Giving Teeth to the Constitutional Right to a Stable Climate for Future Generations
The CLE's "No Fly Zone" speaker series presented a live webinar with Roda Verheyen to discuss her work on the KSG case and its impact on the landscape of environmental law...
When: Thursday, October 7, 9:30 - 10:30

No Fly Zone Speaker: The Sharma Case: A Governmental Duty of Care to Protect Young People from the Harms of Climate Change
The CLE's "No Fly Zone" speaker series presented a live webinar with David Barnden to discuss his work on the Sharma case and its impact on the landscape of environmental law...
When: Wednesday, September 27, 9:30 - 10:30

Towards Legal Recognition for Non-Human Relations, Webinar 1: Rivers
This webinar was the first in a series of four workshops for those interested in enacting laws that respect and protect non-human beings like rivers, lakes, species, and ecosystems. This first webinar focused on rivers and water bodies...
When: Wednesday, September 22, 9:30 - 10:30
MAY 18

Webinar: How to File a Submission with the Commission for Environmental Cooperation
This webinar provided participants with an opportunity to learn the steps involved in filing a submission, to understand changes to the process and to learn more about who can file a submission...
When: Tuesday, May 18, 10:00 - 11:30
MAY 13-15
Canadian Association for Food Law and Policy 5th Annual Conference: Governing Territorial Food Systems - Legal Obstacles and Opportunities
This conference examined the legal obstacles and opportunities of building and governing territorial food systems as a means of addressing these concerns, and shaping food system futures to ensure...
When: Thursday, May 13 to Saturday, May 15
Keynote with Terri-Lynn Williams-Davidson: "Supernatural Oceans: A Worldview for Enlightened Oceans Governance and Territorial Food Systems"
Terri-Lynn spoke about the importance of oceans to the Haida and other coastal Indigenous Peoples, drawing upon ancient Haida narratives, the Haida Worldview, and Haida art traditions...
When: Thursday, May 13, 1:15 - 2:45
MAY 11

Canada's Toxic Legacy: Pan American Silver and Mining Billionaire Ross Beaty in Latin America
The CLE supported a virtual forum to hear from frontline communities and organizations in Latin America who have lived or observed the arrogant disregard of peoples’ rights...
When: Tuesday, May 11, 4:00

No Fly Zone Speaker: Notre Affaire À Tous and Others v. France - How to Use "General Principles" Arguments in Future Climate Cases
The CLE’s “No Fly Zone” Speaker Series presented a live webinar with Dr. Natalie Oman to discuss the use of general principles of international law in climate cases...
When: Tuesday, March 30, 12:30 - 1:30

No Fly Zone Speaker: Re-Thinking Waste: Mapping Racial Geographies of Violence on the Colonial Landscape
The CLE’s “No Fly Zone” Speaker Series presented a live webinar with Dr. Ingrid Waldron and Professor Dayna Scott to discuss environmental racism and injustice in Canada...
When: Tuesday, February 9, 12:30 - 2:00

The Time is Now: Canadian and Global Recognition of the Right to a Healthy Environment
The CLE was joined by Dr. David Boyd, Dr. David Suzuki, and Annamie Paul to discuss the urgent need for the recognition of the human right to a healthy environment...
When: Tuesday, January 26, 5:00 - 7:00

No Fly Zone Speaker: “Laws Are for the Lawless”: Learning Indigenous Law On and From the Land
The CLE’s “No Fly Zone” Speaker Series presented a live webinar with Lindsay Keegitah Borrows to discuss the revitalization of Indigenous law through storytelling and land-based learning...
When: Thursday, November 19, 9:30 - 10:30

Climate Accountability Litigation by Governments Against Fossil Fuel Companies: Exploring The Options
A webinar series joint initiative between the CLE at Allard, UVic Law, TRU Law and West Coast Environmental Law discussing various aspects of climate accountability regarding the climate damages caused by fossil fuel companies. Each webinar was held as a panelist discussion...
Part 1: Friday, November 6, 2020 - 12:00 - 14:00
Part 2: Monday, November 9, 2020 - 12:00 - 14:00
Part 3: Monday, November 16, 2020 - 12:00 - 14:00
Part 4: Monday, November 23, 2020 - 12:00 - 14:00

No Fly Zone Speaker: Accessing Justice for Animals
Renowned Canadian animal lawyers Victoria Shroff of Shroff Animal Lawyers and Camille Labchuk of Animal Justice discussed their experiences with animal rights litigation, how companion and wild animals can access justice, how animal lawyers can represent animal rights before legislatures and courts...
When: Thursday, October 29, 9:30 - 10:30

No Fly Zone Speaker: The Epic Environmental Litigation of Chevron V. Ecuador: Lessons from the Frontlines
Steven Donziger, the American attorney who represented the Ecuadorean plaintiffs and won a $9.5 billion judgment against Chevron for deliberate environmental contamination of the Amazon, joined the CLE to discuss the 'ChevronToxico' saga and industry accountability...
When: Thursday, October 1, 9:30 - 10:30

Film Screening: NECESSITY
In a climate emergency, what actions are necessary? A free public screening of the documentary film: NECESSITY: Oil, Water, and Climate Resistance. Panel discussion to follow with director Jan Haaken, producer Haunani Kalama, and local educators and activists…
When: Tuesday, March 24, 18:00 - 20:00
[Cancelled due to COVID-19]

No Fly Zone Speaker: The Rights of Nature Movement
The Centre for Law & the Environment Speaker Series is proud to present a keynote address by Mari Margil, a leading force in the global Rights of Nature movement. The Rights of Nature represent a major shift in how humankind governs itself toward the natural world. Learn how this movement has grown in just over a decade from local communities to national laws, for the first time treating nature as possessing legal rights of its own...
When: Wednesday, March 18, 17:30

Public Workshop: Protecting the Rights of Nature - Towards a Law for BC
Is now the time for Rights of Nature legislation in BC? This public workshop features presentations of the latest research on Rights of Nature by Allard JD students, followed by questions and discussion with a panel of distinguished environmental and Indigenous researchers and practitioners including Dr. David Boyd, Mari Margil, Terri-Lynn Williams-Davidson and others.
When: Wednesday, March 18, 12:00 - 14:00

Book Launch: Transnational Business Governance, Marginalized Actors And Regulatory Quality
The Centre for Law & the Environment and the Centre for Business Law at Allard School of Law hosted a reception celebrating the publication of the new book edited by CLE Director Stepan Wood and others, Transnational Business Governance Interactions: Advancing Marginalized Actors and Enhancing Regulatory Quality (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019)...
When: Wednesday, January 22, 16:30

STOP UnderMining Indigenous Rights
Hear the Xinca Indigenous People of Guatemala and their Canadian Supporters speak about the struggle against EI Escobal mine, owned by Vancouver-based Pan American Silver, founded by Ross Beaty
When: Thursday, November 21, 12:30 - 14:30

CLE Speaker Series: A Climate for Change - Governing Knowledge for Innovation under the Paris Agreement and the Global Climate Funds
Visiting scholar Dr. Katherine Owens (Senior Lecturer, University of Sydney Law School) explored the connection between innovation, knowledge and climate governance. Remaining within the temperature goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change will require profound and complex transformations in our energy, land, urban and infrastructure, transport and industrial systems. Innovation is needed on an unprecedented scale, and these innovation processes will...
When: Wednesday, November 13, 12:30 - 14:00

CLE Speaker Series: The Promise and Problems of Border Carbon Adjustments - Findings from California and Europe
Stefan Pauer discussed border carbon adjustments, also known as carbon tariffs, which would support carbon pricing policy by protecting domestic carbon-constrained producers against competition from greenhouse gas-intensive imports and by preventing leakage of greenhouse gas emissions to jurisdictions with less demanding carbon regulation...
When: Tuesday, October 15, 12:30 - 14:00

CLE Speaker Series: Legal Environment for Artificial Owl - AI in Energy and Environment
Dr. Maciej M. Sokołowski, a Japan-based energy law expert, joined us for a whirlwind visit of just a few days. He gave a fascinating public talk on artificial intelligence (AI) in the environmental and energy fields...
When: Tuesday, September 24. 12:30

Conference: Protecting the Land - Communities, Law and the Mining Industry
This conference was sponsored by the Law Foundation of British Columbia, the UBC Social Justice Centre, the Peter A. Allard School of Law, Cafe Justicia, CiTR-FM, the Canada Research Chair in Law, Society and Sustainability, and the Centre for Law and the Environment.
When: Friday, October 26 and Saturday, October 27
MAY 17

Book Launch: The Constitution of the Environmental Emergency by Jocelyn Stacey
When: Thursday, May 17, 4:00 - 5:30
The Canada Research Chair in Law, Society & Sustainability and the Centre for Law and the Environment presented the book launch of "The Constitution of the Environmental Emergency" by Jocelyn Stacey.

Workshop - NAFTA's Environmental Submissions Process & Public Engagement
This event, led by professors and experts, provided information about the history of the CEC and NAFTA's environmental submissions process, and a roundtable discussion...
When: Thursday, November 9, 9:00 - 1:30

CLE Speaker Series: New Zealand's Resource Management Act - Guiding Light or Out of Date?
When it was enacted in 1991, New Zealand's Resource Management Act was hailed as world-leading...
When: Tuesday, October 17, 12:30 - 2:00