Book Launch: Transnational Business Governance, Marginalized Actors and Regulatory Quality

Centre for the Law and the Environment Assistant
Jan 7, 2020
Join the Centre for Law & the Environment and the Centre for Business Law at Allard School of Law for a reception celebrating the publication of the new book edited by CLE Director Stepan Wood and others, Transnational Business Governance Interactions: Advancing Marginalized Actors and Enhancing Regulatory Quality (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019)!
From agriculture to sport and from climate change to indigenous rights, transnational regulatory regimes and actors are multiplying and interacting with poorly understood results. This interdisciplinary book investigates whether, how and by whom transnational business governance interactions (TBGIs) can be harnessed to improve the quality of transnational regulation and advance the interests of marginalized actors.
The book launch will begin with refreshments at 4:30 pm, followed at 5:00 pm by:
Attendance is free. RSVP required:

- Centre for Law and the Environment