Nov 2, 2021 Centre for the Law and the Environment Assistant
Nov 1, 2021 Stepan Wood
Oct 22, 2021 Stepan Wood
Oct 18, 2021 Centre for the Law and the Environment Assistant
Oct 7, 2021 Centre for the Law and the Environment Assistant
Sep 30, 2021 Centre for the Law and the Environment Assistant
Sep 21, 2021 Centre for the Law and the Environment Assistant
Sep 15, 2021 Centre for the Law and the Environment Assistant
Sep 2, 2021 Mallory Jang
Towards Legal Recognition for Non-Human Relations: Webinar Series
The Centre for Law & the Environment (CLE) at the University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, in collaboration with the UBC Sustainability Initiative and the Center for Democratic and Environmental Rights (CDER), presents a series of webinars for individuals and organizations from Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities interested in implementing laws that respect and protect non-human beings like rivers, lakes, species and ecosystems.
Aug 26, 2021 Centre for the Law and the Environment Assistant
Rally for Steven Donziger’s Release and Justice for Ecuadorean Victims of Chevron's Toxic Legacy
The Centre for Law & the Environment is organizing a rally on August 6, 2021 to demand the release of US human rights lawyer Steven Donziger and justice for the Ecuadorean victims of Chevron's toxic legacy.
Jul 30, 2021 Stepan Wood
Rethinking the Reception of English Law in British Columbia
In 2013 the Supreme Court of Canada held that a 1731 English statute requiring all documents filed in court proceedings to be in English was in force in the province of British Columbia. The Court held that the statute met the requirements set out by BC's provincial statute governing the reception of English law in BC: the criminal and civil laws of England as of November 19, 1858 are received in the province "so far as they are not from local circumstances inapplicable." If the idea of a court declaring in 2013 that a 1731 English statute is in force in Canada makes you uneasy, you might...
Jun 21, 2021 Gabrielle Matheson