Workshop: NAFTA's Environmental Submissions Process & Public Engagement
Learn about the history of the CEC and NAFTA's environmental submissions process, and engage in a roundtable discussion on the role of public engagement, including submissions related to the effective enforcement of environmental law in Canada.
Nov 9, 2017 Centre for the Law and the Environment Assistant
New Zealand's Resource Management Act: Guiding Light or Out of Date?
When it was enacted in 1991, New Zealand's Resource Management Act was hailed as world-leading. It integrated decision-making around many topics — land use planning, air quality, freshwater, coastal-marine issues, landscape protection, and many others. All of this happened under what was then still a normatively progressive umbrella of "sustainable management". Yet the RMA was the product of a particular set of social, economic, political and environmental circumstances. Since 1991, some of those things have changed.
Oct 17, 2017 Centre for the Law and the Environment Assistant