Peter A Allard School of Law

Equity Resources

The Peter A. Allard School of Law fosters a collegial, collaborative environment in which faculty, staff and students participate in a supportive and respectful community that values the diverse contributions of its members. The Faculty celebrates, supports and promotes the importance of diversity and equality to a vibrant law school.

The Allard School of Law provides an inclusive environment for all students. In particular, the Faculty works to build a welcoming community for students with disabilities, women students, indigenous students, students of all racial and ethnic backgrounds and students of all sexual orientations and gender identities.

Both UBC and the law school are governed by UBC’s Policy on Discrimination and Harassment (see:

We encourage all students to familiarize themselves with the Student Guide to Discrimination and Harassment produced by UBC’s Equity and Inclusion Office and found online at

Students are also encouraged to read the President and Vice-Chancellor of UBC, Professor Stephen Toope’s discussion paper (draft) on promoting intercultural understanding, which can be found at

Allard School of Law

If you have experienced discrimination or harassment at the Allard School of Law, or have concerns or questions about access, equity or diversity, there are a number of resources available to you.

Assistant Dean, Students

The Assistant Dean of Students, meets with students to listen and respond to equity concerns that may arise at the law school. She works with faculty, staff and students to respond to concerns and ensure the law school is a welcoming environment for all students. She is pleased to meet with you and advise on the options and the resources available to you.

Contact: Allard 152;

Allard Law Students’ Society Ombudsperson

The ALSS Ombudsperson ( is available to meet with any UBC JD student concerned about any aspect of their experience at the Allard School of Law. Questions or concerns about faculty, students, staff, ALSS, and other issues are kept completely confidential. (See also the Law Students’ Society Statement of Values:


Equity Advisory Committee

The Faculty's  Equity Advisory Committee, comprised of both faculty and student members, meets regularly throughout the year to discuss specific equity issues and general proactive equity planning within the Faculty.

Associate Director, Indigenous Legal Studies Program

The Associate Director, Indigenous Legal Studies Program, is an additional resource person for indigenous students and for any students who may have questions or concerns about indigenous issues at Allard Hall or the Program.

Contact: Allard 157;

Women’s Caucus and Centre for Feminist Legal Studies (CFLS)

The Women's Caucus and Centre for Feminist Legal Studies offer practical support to members as female law students. Both organizations provide opportunities for women in law to meet casually and comfortably and offers chances for women to speak frankly and helpfully about the position women occupy in the law school and the legal profession.

Other UBC Resources

The University, in addition to the law school, offers support for and resources concerning access, equity and diversity. Information about some of these resources is set out below.

UBC Equity and Inclusion Office

The Equity and Inclusion Office seeks to achieve the goal of heightening campus awareness and understanding of issues of discrimination, harassment, equity, diversity and human rights (See: Discrimination and Harassment (Policy #3).), primarily through education and training programs such as panel discussions, tailored presentations, and workshops delivered to students, administrators, faculty, staff, representatives from unions, employee associations, departmental equity committees and the wider community.  UBC faculty, staff or students who are experiencing any difficulties related to a human rights conflict at UBC can contact the Equity and Inclusion office to receive confidential advice and support.For more information, visit the Equity and Inclusion Office in Brock Hall room 2306 or online at

UBC Centre for Accessibility

The Centre for Accessibility at UBC works with the University to create an inclusive living and learning environment in which all students may thrive. It provides leadership for examining policies, processes, and programs through the lens of diversity. Students should visit the Centre for Accessibility website at and familiarize themselves with the programs and services offered by the office. The Centre for Accessibility also provides a social space for women in its Women Students Lounge. The Lounge is located in Brock Hall room 1261, and provides a permanent safe space for women students at UBC to rest, connect and gather. It is open to all women students from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm on weekdays.

UBC Student Ombudsperson

The UBC Office of the Ombudsperson for Students is an independent, impartial and confidential resource to assist students in addressing and resolving concerns about unfair treatment at UBC. The UBC Student Ombudsperson, Shirley Nakata, mediates or intervenes on behalf of students at UBC Vancouver to help resolve student conflicts with professors, staff members or university departments, conducts impartial investigations and provides advice to students. Note: The UBC Ombuds office is not the same as the AMS Ombuds office. See: for more information or visit the office at the CK Choi Building, room 181, on 1855 West Mall (next to International House).

UBC’s “Really?” Program

The “Really?” program promotes intercultural understanding and respect for diversity on campus. The program empowers individuals to respond to discriminatory comments or situations, creating active witnesses for the UBC Community. For more information visit the website at

UBC Diversity and Intercultural Understanding

The Diversity and Intercultural Events page is intended as a hub for showcasing major diversity and intercultural events at UBC Vancouver.

UBC Social Sustainability

One of UBC’s Campus Initiatives is the Social Sustainability initiative. Social sustainability can be defined in terms such as Social justice, Conflict resolution, Human well-being, Social equity, Diversity, Intercultural fluency, Quality of life, Global citizenship, and Community building.

UBC strives to foster social sustainability in innumerable ways like focusing on the People Plan, having workplace initiatives such as Positive Space, Leave for Change and the annual United Way campaign and much more which can be seen by visiting the website at

Furthermore, the initiative can also be exemplified through UBC’s Statement on Respectful Environment for Students, Faculty and Staff which can be found here:

AMS Resources

Colour Connected

Colour Connected Against Racism is an AMS resource group that provides support and information to students who feel alienated and disempowered due to discrimination. It organizes events on various issues pertaining to ‘Peoples of Colour’, and lobbies the university and other institutions to implement necessary changes. It also address Sexism, Homophobia, Poverty, Domestic and Global Exploitation and other social injustices. Their centre contains resources through which students may learn about their history and share their experiences in a supportive and positive environment.


Pride UBC

Pride UBC provides peer support to members and friends of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered communities at UBC. It assists those who are coming out by providing a forum for discussion on sexuality and educates the greater UBC community about variation in human sexuality and the rights of queer people.

Office: The Nest in the Resource Groups Centre (room 2103).

Women’s Centre

The AMS Women’s Centre is a space where trans men and women, intersex and women-identified people can feel safe, empower each other, and organize against oppression and violence. It offers a wide variety of free resources such as a phone, pregnancy tests, pads, tampons, condoms, dental dams, and an space to hang out, study, eat, or nap. The staff has weekly office hours; all are welcome.

Office: Open from 6 a.m. until midnight and located in room 2113 in the AMS Nest

Social Justice Centre

The Social Justice Centre aims to serve any and all students interested in finding progressive solutions to societal injustice. They work toward progressive social change by: Raising awareness about social justice issues, providing a forum for discussion on these issues, facilitating concrete actions in response to discussions and fostering students with skills and techniques to engage in activism.

Office: Room 2108 of the AMS Student Nest

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