The program requires completion of 30 credits which include:
- LL.M. Thesis (20 credits)
- 2 Required Courses (7-8 credits)
- Electives (8-9 credits)
+ LL.M. Thesis (20 Credits)
The thesis is to be an original piece of legal scholarship. A student writes their thesis under the supervision of a faculty member on a subject of the student’s choosing. In most fields, a thesis is 100 to 120 pages or 25,000 to 30,000 words not including the bibliography and footnotes.
The thesis is evaluated by the supervisor and a second reader. The second reader is usually another member of the faculty, but may also be from faculty at UBC or another university if appropriate.
Please see the LL.M. Guidelines (effective September 2018) for more information on the expectations of the LL.M. Thesis.
+ 2 Required Courses (7-8 Credits)
- Current Legal Problems (LAW 500 - 4 Credits): This seminar gives students the skills to access a wide range of legal theories meaningfully, and to make informed judgments about how, or whether, to apply these theories to their thesis, their writing, and their understanding in the future.
- Methodologies in Law and Policy (LAW 524D - 3-4 Credits): This seminar aims to develop students’ capacity to select and defend an appropriate methodology for a research proposal that explores an aspect of law, policy or legal regulation.
+ Electives
Students must complete an additional 8-9 credits of coursework from the graduate or upper year JD curriculum, or directed research courses. With permission, you may be permitted to take courses outside of Allard Law. Please see the LLM Guidelines for more information on electives, directed studies, and courses outside of Allard Law.
Students in the LLM program are not permitted to enroll in courses in the LLM CL program, including, but not limited to, LAW 505 Canadian Public Law, LAW 515 Contractual Obligations and Remedies, and LAW 525 Canadian Criminal Law & Procedure.