Staff & Faculty Directory
Neil Nunn
SSRHC postdoctoral fellow, Allard School of Law (2022-2023)
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View ProfileNeil is an environmental justice, law, and planning scholar whose research examines large-scale social and ecological disruption within British Columbia’s settler colonial era. Neil’s postdoctoral research is an exploration of the Fisheries Act in the context of the diitiida/the Jordan River Watershed on South Vancouver Island. diitiida/the Jordan River Watershed was once among the most abundant salmon-supporting ecosystems on southern Vancouver Island and the traditional territory of the Pacheedaht and Ditidaht Nation.
Debra Parkes
Chair in Feminist Legal Studies- Phone: 604 822 3141
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View ProfileProfessor Parkes joined the Allard School of Law in July 2016. She was a member of the Faculty of Law at the University of Manitoba from 2001 to 2016 where she served a term as Associate Dean (Research and Graduate Studies) from 2013-2016. She has also been a visiting researcher at the University of Woollongong and the University of Sydney. She was Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Journal of Women and the Law from 2009-2013 and President of the Canadian Law & Society Association from 2007-2010.
- Centre for Feminist Legal Studies
Robert K. Paterson
Professor Emeritus
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View ProfileRobert K. Paterson was admitted to the Bars of New Zealand in 1969 and B.C. in 1981. Professor Paterson chaired the B.C. Task Force on International Commercial Arbitration (1986) and is co-author of International Trade and Investment Law in Canada (1994) and co-editor of UNCITRAL Model Law in Canada (1989). He is a panelist under Chapter 19 of the NAFTA (Trade Remedy Bi-national Review Panel). Apart from international trade law his major interest is cultural heritage and art law.
Dennis Pavlich
- Phone: 604 822 4272
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View ProfileDennis Pavlich is a professor in the Allard School of Law at UBC. A graduate of Witwatersrand University and Yale Law School, Professor Pavlich has been an academic for over 30 years and on three occasions has received awards for teaching excellence, including the University's Killam Teaching Prize and the Faculty of Law’s George Curtis Teaching Award. Professor Pavlich teaches courses on property law, the law of trusts and historical comparative law. He has also lectured extensively in the field of education law.
Maziar Peihani
Assistant Professor, Lawson Lundell UBC Professor in Business Law
- Phone: 604 822 3856
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View ProfileMaziar Peihani holds the Lawson Lundell UBC Professorship of Business Law. His teaching and research are centered on the intersection of law and the financial system, with a particular focus on banking regulation, financial crises, financial institution restructuring, and sovereign debt markets. Prior to joining UBC in 2019, he was the lead in-house expert on financial law at the Centre for International Governance Innovation, a Canadian think tank specializing in global governance, law, and regulation.
Patricia Penaflorida
Coordinator, Student Academic Services
- Phone: 604 827 5728
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View ProfilePatricia Penaflorida is the Coordinator, Student Academic Services at the Allard School of Law. She works with the Academic Services team on course scheduling, course registration, exams and grade processing. She also manages the registration of students into directed research, moots, clinics/externships, special permission courses and the Criminal Law clinic.
Patricia has a BA in Political Science from the University of British Columbia.
- Student Affairs Office
Benjamin Perrin
- Phone: 604 822 1208
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Benjamin Perrin is a law professor at the University of British Columbia. His research and teaching interests include criminal law, constitutional law, international law, and artificial intelligence. Ben leads the UBC AI & Criminal Justice Initiative and is a member of the UBC Centre for Artificial Intelligence Decision-Making and Action (CAIDA).View Profile -
Aleksandar Petrovic
Manager, Research Grants and Awards
- Phone: 604 822 3832
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Dr. Aleksandar Petrovic is the Manager, Research Grants and Awards with the Allard School of Law. He leads development and delivery of strategic research support for faculty under the general direction of the Associate Dean Research, and provides strategic feedback and nomination support for research awards and prizes.View Profile- Research
Ngai Pindell
Dean and Professor
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Dean Pindell received his A.B. (Economics) in 1993 from Duke University and his J.D. in 1996 from Harvard Law School. Following graduation, he practiced community development law in Baltimore, MD, followed by a fellowship and visiting assistant professorship at the University of Baltimore School of Law Community Development Clinic. He joined the William S. Boyd School of Law at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) in 2000 as an Assistant Professor and earned promotion to Professor in 2008.View Profile- Dean's Office
Catalina Policzer
Senior Manager, HR & Operations
- Phone: 604.822.6882
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Catalina Policzer is the Senior Manager, HR & Operations.View Profile- Administration
- Dean's Office