The Centre for Asian Legal Studies hosts cutting-edge research on the laws and legal institutions in Asia, both advancing scholarly analyses of some of the world’s most important legal systems and promoting public understanding as Canada’s economic and cultural ties with Asia-Pacific countries deepen. The Centre sponsors exchange on advanced research through conferences, a speaker series, and a visiting scholar program, and offers numerous courses in Asian law.
Centre for Asian Legal Studies

Centre for Asian Legal Studies Blog
On the CALS blog you will find a variety of voices, from Allard School of Law faculty to members of the CALS community—students, alumni, visiting scholars, practitioners, and other Asia observers. We will highlight our research, our talks and other scholarly activities, as well as offer commentaries arising from our community’s engagement, in all modes, with Asian legal systems.
Centre for Asian Legal Studies Newsletter
In addition to updates on CALS events and activities and stories about Allard Hall’s faculty and student research, the newsletter provides a venue for the exchange of ideas about Asian law between those of us currently at UBC, our alumni, fellow legal professionals, and others who directly experience the growing significance of Asian legal systems. The stories in our newsletter fall broadly in the categories of “Center Events,” “Faculty Research,” “Student Research,” and “Asian Legal Practice.”