Our online recruitment system, Allard Careers and Events (ACE), makes it easy for employers to advertise and manage law-related job opportunities and events online – completely free of charge.
Sign up for your ACE Employer Account to connect with nearly 800 Allard School of Law students and thousands of alumni.
ACE’s easy to follow intake forms will guide you on all required and recommended information for your job or event. If you have additional questions on what to include, feel free contact us– we’re always happy to work with employers to craft their perfect posting.
Job and event postings are subject to our review and approval, and job postings must meet the following criteria:
- Be law-related or adjacent;
- If with a for-profit or public sector employer, be paid (minimum wage or higher);
- Not contemplate the unauthorized practice of law;
- Absent special circumstances, not blend articling and administrative (e.g., legal assistant, paralegal) positions, or leave the chance of articles to some uncertain date in the future; and
- Not seek to retain a lawyer or law student for direct representation.
A note for BC employers: Effective November 1, 2023, the new B.C. Pay Transparency Act requires salary or wage information to be included on all publicly advertised job postings. For guidance on this subject, please see https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/gender-equity/wage-or-salary-informa….