Peter A Allard School of Law

Jie Cheng

Associate Professor
Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Professional Programs
LL.B., LL.M. (CUPL), Ph.D. (Beijing)


Jie Cheng is an Associate Professor of Law and Associate Dean Graduate and Professional Programs at the Peter A. Allard School of Law, University of British Columbia. Her teaching and research interests include Chinese law and government, comparative constitutional law, judicial politics, and the Hong Kong Basic Law. Before joining UBC, she taught at Tsinghua University School of Law from 1999 to 2019. Professor Cheng has held visiting appointments at the University of Michigan Law School, Columbia Law School, the University of Oslo Human Rights Center, Sciences Po Paris, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the University of Hong Kong, and the University of Toronto. She was called to the Bar in Beijing in 1995 and was one of the founders of the Tsinghua University Legal Clinic. Between 2006 and 2007, she was seconded to the Hong Kong and Macau Basic Law Commissions of the Standing Committee of the Chinese National People's Congress. Professor Cheng is an associate member of the International Academy of Comparative Law.

Professor Cheng has published extensively in both Chinese and English. Her recent publications include “The Legal Status of LGBTQ+ in China: A Law and Politics Perspective” in Constitutional Forum (2024) and “Identity Politics and Constitutional Change in Hong Kong: The National Security Law and 25 Years of the Basic Law” in Hong Kong Law Journal (2022). She is an SSHRC Insight Grant holder for the research project “Judicial Politics in China” from 2022 to 25. 

Research and Publications

To learn more about my research, please visit my PURE Research profile. You can also access my works on the following sites: 


  • Chinese Law and Canada-China Relations
  • Asian Legal Systems
  • Comparative Law 
  • Comparative Constitutional Law 
  • Public Law 



1. Statecraft And State Powers: An Institutional Analysis Of Chinese Constitutional Law (Beijing: Law Press China 2015) (212 pages) (August 1, 2015)

2. Essence Of Constitutionalism: Open Government Under Law (Beijing: China University of Political Science and Law Publishing House) (328 pages) (November 1, 2012)

List of Recent Publications

1. Cheng, Jie. "The Legal Status of LGBTQ+ in China: A Law and Politics Perspective, in Constitutional Forum, vol. 32, no. 4, 2024, pp. 31-38. 

2. “Judicial Independence in the Asia Pacific Region from the Perspective of Comparative Judicial Politics” (Book Chapter) in Judicial Independence in Transitional Democracies, Edited By Nauman Reayat, Rhona K. M. Smith, Moohyung Cho, 332 Pages, (December 31, 2024 by Routledge) 

3. “Identity Politics and Constitutional Change in Hong Kong: The National Security Law and 25 Years of the Basic Law”, in Hong Kong Law Journal, Vol 52 Part 3, pp. 851- 874 (December 2022), 52 Hong Kong L.J. 851 (2022).

4. “Comparative Study of Classification Authorities”, in National Secret Law Review, Vol. 1, Gold Wall Press, 2021, pp.3-22 (《定密权研究》,《保密法研究》2021年第1辑)

5. “Judicial Activism and Human Rights Protection: A Story of India”, in Tsinghua Law Journal, (2020) 1 Tsinghua Law Journal, pp. 67-82 (January 2020). (《司法能动主义与人权保障:印度故事》,《清华法学》2020年第1期,第67-82页。

6. “Paths of Justice” (Book Review), Asia Pacific Law Review, vol.27, no.2, pp.306-9. (November 2019)

7. Wei Cui, Jie Cheng, Dominika Wiesner, “Judicial Review of Government Actions in China” in China Perspectives, vol. 1, 2019, pp.35-44. (30% contribution) 

8. “Hong Kong’s Constitutional Order under the Asymmetric Governance Structure”, China Law Review, Vol.5, 2018, pp. 179-186.  (《不对称治理格局下香港的宪制基础与宪法适用》,《中国法律评论》2018年第5期,第179-186页。)

9. “Preliminary Investigation of Quasi-Constitutional Review System in China”, in Tribune of Political Science and Law, vol. 36, No.3, 2018 (May 2018), pp.3-13. This paper was republished by the Renmin University Preprint Periodical-Constitutional and Administrative Law Volume 8, 2018. (《中国的准违宪审查制度初探》,《政法论坛》2018年第3期。程洁.中国的准违宪审查制度初探[J].政法论坛,2018,36(03):3-13. (《人大报刊复印资料》D411 《宪法学、行政法学》2018年第8期全文转载。)

10. "Jurisprudential Basis for the New Constitutional Order of Hong Kong: Separation or Delegation of Powers", China Legal Science, vol.5, September 2017, pp.56-83. (《香港新宪制秩序的法理基础:分权还是授权》,中国法学2017年第4期,第88-103页。)

11. “Why Late Qing Constitutional Reform Failed: An Examination From The Comparative Institutional Perspective”, in Tsinghua Law review (10 Tsinghua China L. Rev. 107 (2017). pp.107-147.

12. “Qualification Limit or Economic Control: An Institutional Framework for Abusive FOIA Application”, (2017) 2 Tsinghua Law Journal, 126-138 (March 2017) . This paper was republished by the Renmin University Reprint Periodical-Constitutional and Administrative Law Volume 2, 2017.  (《资格限制还是经济约束:政府信息公开申请主体的制度考量》,《清华法学》2017年第2期第126-138). (《人大报刊复印资料》D411 《宪法学、行政法学》2017年第7期全文转载。)

13. “A Systematic Analysis of Hong Kong Basic Law Litigation”, (2016) 2 Hong Kong and Macau Review 12-21 (April 2016)《香港基本法诉讼的系统案例分析》,《港澳研究》2016年第2期,第12-21页。

14. “Impartiality and the Central People’s Government in Hong Kong’s Political Development”, in China Law Review, Vol.3, pp.52-60. (《中央政府与香港政治发展的中道观》,《中国法律评论》2015年第3期,第52-60页。) 

Journal Articles

1. “Enforcing Takings Clauses in China”, Tsinghua China Law Review, Vol7, No.2, 2015, pp.192-219.

2. “Hong Kong’s Judiciary Under the Dual Track Politics”, (2006) 5 China Law Journal 47-59 (《双轨政治下的香港司法权》,载《中国法学》2006年第5期,第47-59页。)

3. “The Injustice and Reconstruction of procedures in eminent domain and land acquisition” (2008) 3 Frontiers of Law in China 65–97,  (《土地征收征用中的程序失范与重构》,载《法学研究》2006(1),第62-78页。)

Jie Cheng

Organization Affiliations

  • Centre for Asian Legal Studies
  • Centre for Feminist Legal Studies
  • Dean's Office

Research Interests

  • Administrative law and regulatory governance
  • Asian legal studies
  • Comparative law

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