Peter A Allard School of Law

Graham Reynolds

Associate Professor
Associate Dean, Research and International
B.A. (Man), LL.B. (Dal), B.C.L., M.Phil., D.Phil. (Oxon)



Dr. Graham J. Reynolds teaches and researches in the areas of copyright law, intellectual property law, property law, intellectual property and human rights, and technology and access to justice. His current research focus is the intersection of intellectual property and human rights, as well as the relationship between intellectual property and social justice.  

Before joining the Allard School of Law, Graham was a member of faculty at Dalhousie University's Schulich School of Law, where he was the Co-Editor in Chief of the Canadian Journal of Law and Technology and served as a member of the Schulich School of Law’s Law and Technology Institute. Graham also previously served as the judicial law clerk to the Honourable Chief Justice Finch of the British Columbia Court of Appeal.

Graham completed his graduate studies at the University of Oxford, where he studied on a Rhodes Scholarship, a Pierre Elliott Trudeau Scholarship, and a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Award. Graham’s doctoral thesis focused on the intersection of freedom of expression and copyright in Canada. 

Graham is a recipient of multiple teaching awards, including a UBC Killam Teaching Prize as well as the Allard School of Law’s annual teaching award, the George Curtis Memorial Award for Teaching Excellence. 

Among other research affiliations, Graham is currently a Research Fellow of the Oxford Intellectual Property Research Centre at the University of Oxford. He has also been a visiting professor at the University of Bern in Switzerland. 

Graduate Student Supervision

Graham currently supervises Chinenye Eze, who is a PhD student at the Allard School of Law, and co-supervises Margot Gunning, who is a PhD student in UBC’s Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program.


  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Property Law
  • Topics in Intellectual Property: Current Issues in Copyright
  • Topics in Intellectual Property: Intellectual Property and Human Rights
  • Competitive Moots Advocacy Credit A (Oxford International Intellectual Property Law Moot, Harold G. Fox IP Moot)


 Graham J. Reynolds
“Of Lock-Breaking and Stock Taking: IP, Climate Change and the Right to Repair in Canada” 
Full text: (2023) 98:2 Can. Bar Rev. 358-387 
Allard Research Commons
Cody Rei-Anderson, Graham J. Reynolds, Jayde Wood & Natasha Wood
“Access to Justice Online: Are Canadian Court Websites Accessible to Users with Visual Impairments?”
Full text: (2018) 55:3 Alta. L. Rev. 647-681
Allard Research Commons
SSRN Paper
Greg Hagen, Cameron Hutchison, David Lametti, Graham Reynolds, Teresa Scassa & Margaret Ann Wilkinson
Canadian Intellectual Property Law: Cases and Materials, 2d ed.
Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 2018

UBC Library Location
Graham Reynolds
“Recognizing the Relevance of Human Rights: The Application of the Presumption of Conformity in the Context of Copyright”
Full text: (2018) 31:1 I.P.J. 63-82

UBC Library Location
Allard Research Commons
SSRN Abstract
Graham Reynolds
“Moving Past Michelin: Towards Judicial Reconsideration of the Intersection of Copyright and the Charter Right to Freedom of Expression”
Full text: (2017) 30:1 I.P.J. 35-70

UBC Library Location
Allard Research Commons
SSRN Abstract
Douglas C. Harris & Graham Reynolds
“Property in the City: Special Edition Introduction”
Full text: (2017) 50:4 U.B.C. L. Rev. 885-890

UBC Library Location
Allard Research Commons
SSRN Paper
Graham Reynolds
“The Limits of Statutory Interpretation: Towards Explicit Engagement, by the Supreme Court of Canada, with the Charter Right to Freedom of Expression in the Context of Copyright”
Full text: (2016) 41:2 Queen's L.J. 455-500
Allard Research Commons
SSRN Paper
Graham J. Reynolds
“Reconsidering Copyright's Constitutionality”
Full text: (2016) 53:3 Osgoode Hall L.J. 898-947
Allard Research Commons
SSRN Paper
Graham Reynolds
“The Role of Courts in Assisting Individuals in Realizing Their s. 2(b) Right to Information about Court Proceedings”
in Karim Benyekhlef et al., eds., eAccess to Justice
Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2016
pp. 95-121

Online Access (with full-text)
Allard Research Commons
SSRN Paper
Graham Reynolds
“Parodists' Rights and Copyright in a Digital Canada”
in Rosemary J. Coombe, Darren Wershler & Martin Zeilinger, eds., Dynamic Fair Dealing: Creating Canadian Culture Online
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014
pp. 237-250

UBC Library Location
Graham Reynolds
“The Precautionary Principle and its Application in the Intellectual Property Context: Towards a Public Domain Impact Assessment”
in B. Courtney Doagoo et al., eds., From Intellectual Property for the 21st Century: Interdisciplinary Approaches
Toronto: Irwin Law, 2014
pp. 95-113

UBC Library Location
Online Access (with full-text)
Allard Research Commons
SSRN Paper
Jane Bailey, Jacquelyn Burkell & Graham Reynolds
“Access to Justice for All: Towards an 'Expansive Vision' of Justice and Technology ”
Full text: (2013) 31:2 Windsor Y.B. Access Just. 181-207
Allard Research Commons
SSRN Paper
Greg Hagen, Cameron Hutchison, David Lametti, Graham Reynolds, Teresa Scassa & Margaret Ann Wilkinson
Canadian Intellectual Property Law: Cases and Materials,
Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 2013

UBC Library Location
Graham Reynolds
“Of Reasonableness, Fairness and the Public Interest: Judicial Review of Copyright Board Decisions in Canada's Copyright Pentalogy”
in Michael Geist, ed., Copyright Pentalogy: How the Supreme Court of Canada Shook the Foundations of Canadian Copyright Law
Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2013
pp. 1-45

UBC Library Location
Online Access (with full-text)
Allard Research Commons
SSRN Paper
Graham Reynolds
“Book Review of How to Fix Copyright by William F. Patry”
(2012) 10 C.J.L.T. 125
Graham Reynolds
“All the Game's a Stage: Machinima and Copyright in Canada”
Full text: (2010) 13:6 J. World I.P. 729-743
Graham Reynolds
“The Impact of the Canadian Copyright Act on the Voices of Marginalized Groups”
Full text: (2010) 48:1 Alta. L. Rev. 35-53

UBC Library Location
Graham Reynolds
“Pirate Bay on English Bay? Bittorrent File Sharing and Copyright Infringement in the Supreme Court of British Columbia”
Full text: (2010) 43:1 U.B.C. L. Rev. 193-204

UBC Library Location
Graham Reynolds
“ Towards a Right to Engage in the Fair Transformative Use of Copyright-Protected Expression”
in Michael Geist. , ed., From "Radical Extremism" to "Balanced Copyright": Canadian Copyright and the Digital Agenda
Toronto: Irwin Law, 2010
pp. 395-422

UBC Library Location
Online Access (with full-text)
Allard Research Commons
SSRN Paper
Graham Reynolds
“Nanotechnology and the Tragedy of the Anticommons: Towards a Strict Utility Requirement”
Full text: (2009) 6:1 U. Ottawa L. & Tech. J. 79-114
Allard Research Commons
SSRN Paper
Graham Reynolds
“Necessarily Critical? The Adoption of a Parody Defence to Copyright Infringement in Canada”
Full text: (2009) 33:2 Man. L.J. 243-261

UBC Library Location
Allard Research Commons
SSRN Paper
Graham Reynolds
“A Stroke of Genius or Copyright Infringement? Mashups and Copyright in Canada”
Full text: (2009) 6:3 scripted 639-668
Graham Reynolds
“A Step in the Wrong Direction: The Impact of the Legislative Protection of Technological Protection Measures on Fair Dealing and Freedom of Expression”
Full text: (2006) 5:3 C.J.L.T. 179-194
Graham Reynolds
“Investigating Alternatives to Rights: The Hungarian Constitutional Court and the Protection of a Minimum Level of Assistance”
Full text: (2005) 14 Dal. J. Legal Stud. 163-189

UBC Library Location
reynolds profile

Organization Affiliations

  • Centre for Business Law
  • Centre for Law and the Environment
  • Dean's Office

Research Interests

  • Human rights
  • Intellectual property law
  • Law, science and technology
  • Property, housing and real estate

What is the role of intellectual property law in helping build a more just and inclusive society?

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