**Version française ci-dessous!**

Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 9:30-10:30 AM PT
The Centre for Law & the Environment (CLE) at the University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, in collaboration with the UBC Sustainability Initiative and the Center for Democratic and Environmental Rights (CDER), is organizing a series of four workshops for individuals and organizations from Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities interested in enacting laws that respect and protect non-human beings like rivers, lakes, species and ecosystems. Attendees will hear directly from people who have taken part in campaigns to achieve legal recognition of non-human relations in Canada and abroad, about why and how they pursued such recognition, what opportunities and obstacles they encountered and what lessons they learned.
This first webinar will focus on rivers and water bodies. The event will feature simultaneous French-English translation to facilitate participation by both anglophone and francophone attendees.
- Yenny Vega Cárdenas, Observatoire international des droits de la nature, will talk about the campaigns for the rights of the St. Lawrence and Magpie rivers (in French)
- Mumta Ito, Nature's Rights, who will talk about advancing river rights in the UK and Europe (in English)
- Chuck O'Neal, Floridian entrepreneur and environmental advocate, will talk about enacting and enforcing rights of lakes and waterways in Orange County, Florida
- Pier-Olivier Boudrault, Canadian Parks & Wilderness Association-Québec section, will talk about the campaign for the rights of Mutehekau Shipu/Magpie River (in French).

Vers la reconnaissance juridique des parents non-humains
Ce webinaire portera sur les rivières et les plans d'eau. Traduction simultanée anglais-français du webinaire entier sera disponible.
- Yenny Vega Cárdenas (Observatoire international des droits de la nature) : Les campagnes pour les droits du fleuve St-Laurent et de la rivière Magpie (en français)
- Mumta Ito (Nature's Rights) : L'avancement des droits des rivières au Royaume-Uni et en Europe (en anglais)
- Chuck O'Neal (entrepreneur et défenseur de l'environnement) : Les droits des lacs et des cours d'eau du comté d'Orange, Floride (en anglais)
- Pier-Olivier Boudreault (Société pour la nature et les parcs-SNAP Québec): Les droits de la Mutehekau Shipu/rivière Magpie (en français)
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