Marilyn MacCrimmon
Professor Emerita
B.Sc. (California, Los Angeles) 1962; LL.B. (UBC) 1976; Diploma in Law (Oxford) 1976
Marilyn MacCrimmon was appointed to the Allard School of Law as Assistant Professor in 1976, promoted to Associate Professor in 1981 and Professor in 1990. She was a Fellow in Law and Economics at the University of Chicago from 1981-82 and was Director of the Graduate Program in Law at UBC from 1983-91. In March-April, 1992, she was a Research Fellow at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Study and Conference Centre. Professor MacCrimmon taught Evidence, Topics in Procedure and Evidence and Fact Investigation.
Her current research projects included work on the process of proof, feminism and procedural rights under the Charter, and the role of social science evidence in judicial decision-making, subjects on which she has published articles. She is co-author of Christine Boyle, Marilyn MacCrimmon and Dianne Martin, The Law of Evidence: Fact Finding, Fairness and Advocacy (Toronto: Edmond Montgomery Publications Ltd., 1999). Professors Boyle and MacCrimmon developed and taught a course on evidence on the World Wide Web in 1996, 1997 and 2000. Professor MacCrimmon retired in 2002.
MacCrimmon, Marilyn and Peter Tillers (eds.), The Dynamics of Judicial Proof: Computation, Logic and Common Sense, Heidelberg and New York: Physica-Verlag, 2002, 494 pgs.
Boyle, C. and M.T. MacCrimmon, "Reasons for Judgment: A Comment on R. v. Shepard and R. v. Braich" (2002), 47 Criminal Law Quarterly, 39.
Boyle, Christine and Marilyn MacCrimmon, "To Serve the Cause of Justice: Disciplining Fact Determination" (2001), 20 Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 55-85.
MacCrimmon, M. T., "What is 'Common' About Common Sense: Cautionary Tales for Travelers Crossing Interdisciplinary Boundaries" (2001), 22 Cardozo Law Review 1433-1460.
A selection of Professor MacCrimmon's publications may be found on the SSRN (Social Science Research Network).