Haley Hrymak
PhD Student
BA (Manitoba), JD (Manitoba), LLM (UBC)
Haley Hrymak is a PhD student at the University of British Columbia, Peter A. Allard School of Law (UBC). Her PhD focuses on the experiences of survivors of family violence within family law proceedings. In 2018, she graduated from UBC with her Master of Laws. She also holds a BA from Brandon University, a JD from the University of Manitoba, and was called to the bar in 2015.
Haley is Counsel with the National Judicial Institute (NJI) where she is developing materials on intimate partner violence. Prior to starting with NJI, Haley worked with Rise Women’s Legal Centre in Vancouver (2018- 2023) as their Research and Community Outreach Lawyer. Before Rise, she was a Federal Crown with the Public Prosecution Service of Canada in Winnipeg and Vancouver (2015-2019). She articled with the Department of Justice/Public Prosecution Service of Canada in Winnipeg (2014) following graduating from law school at the University of Manitoba.
Haley also has a consulting practice where she delivers education and assists with designing and conducting research. In her spare time, she enjoys working on her podcast "Talking Papers with Haley Hrymak." Haley is the recipient of the Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Doctoral Fellowship, the SSHRC Doctoral Award, and the UBC Four Year Fellowship award.
Supervisor: Erez Aloni
- Haley Hrymak et al, “Legal Issues Pertaining to the Collection of Sociodemographic Data in Emergency Departments” (2023) 0:1 Acad Emerg Med 1.
- Leeies et al, “Equity-Relevant Sociodemographic Variable Collection in Emergency Medicine: A Systematic Review, Qualitative Evidence Synthesis, and Recommendations for Practice” (2022) 0:1 Acad Emerg Med 1.
- Haley Hrymak, “The Opioid Crisis as Health Crisis, Not Criminal Crisis: Implications for the Criminal Justice System” (2020) 43:1 Dalhousie Law Journal 280.
- Haley Hrymak, “A Bad Deal: British Columbia’s Emphasis on Deterrence and Increasing Prison Sentences for Street-Level Fentanyl Traffickers” (2018) 41:4 Manitoba Law Journal 149.
- Haley Hrymak, “The Laws in Relation to Domestic Workers in Ghana” (2015) University of Ghana Law Journal.
Research Reports
- Haley Hrymak “Protection Orders in BC Family Courts” with funding from the Law Foundation of BC (Forthcoming 2023) Rise Women’s Legal Centre.
- Haley Hrymak “Creating Safety in BC Courts: Key Challenges and Recommendations” (October 2022) Rise Women’s Legal Centre.
- Myrna McCallum & Haley Hrymak, “Decolonizing Family Law Through Trauma-Informed Practice” (October 2021) Rise Women’s Legal Centre.
- Haley Hrymak & Kim Hawkins, “Why Can’t Everyone Just Get Along? How BC’s Family Law System Puts Survivors in Danger” (January 2021) Rise Women’s Legal Centre.
- Haley Hrymak & Kim Hawkins, “Section 211 Toolkit” (2021) Rise Women’s Legal Centre.
- Zara Suleman, Haley Hrymak & Kim Hawkins, “Are We Ready to Change? Keeping Women and Children Safe in BC’s Family Law System” (May 2021) Rise Women’s Legal Centre.
- University of Victoria FemLaw “Innovators Panel” March 15, 2023.
- Family Court Forms, Law Foundation of BC Annual Training Conference, October 26, 2022.
- Peace Bonds, Law Foundation Advocates, October 18, 2022.
- Screening for Family Violence and Understanding Dynamics of Abuse, Everyone Legal Clinic Articling Students, October 17, 2022.
- Family Violence Screening Training for Litigators and Dispute Resolution Professionals, Continuing Legal Education BC, Coach and Presenter, April 2022 & October 2022.
- Creating Safety in BC Courthouses for Survivors of Violence, Law Foundation Advocates and Rise Women’s Legal Centre Law Students, August 16, 2022, October 20, 2022, October 29, 2022.
- Screening for Family Violence, Trial Lawyers Association of British Columbia Lawyer Training, April 28, 2022.
- Writing Research Papers, Rise Women’s Legal Centre Law Students, October 12, 2022.
- Cultural Humility and Trauma-Informed Practice, Law Foundation Advocates, March 2022, and June 2022.
- Supporting Clients Experiencing Violence, Law Foundation Advocates, April 27, 2022.
- Family Violence and Family Law, Presentation to Ministry of Child and Family Development Staff, November 23, 2021.
- A Primer on Managing the Family Violence File, Law Society of Ontario Family Violence Conference, November 19, 2021.
- Ethical Obligations of Family Advocates, Law Foundation of BC Advocate Training, October 28, 2021.
- Family Law Court Forms, Law Foundation of BC Advocate Training, October 20, 2021.Orders to Enforce Financial Disclosure in Family Matters, Law Foundation of BC Advocate Training, October 19, 2021.
- Family Law Court Forms, Law Foundation of BC Advocate Training, October 13, 2021.
- Peace Bonds and Protection Orders, Violence in Relationships Committee, Campbell River, October 5, 2021.
- Protection Order Applications (July 7, 2021, July 29, 2021, September 9, 2021).
- Division of Property and Interim Distribution of Property, Amici Curiae Volunteer Training, July 2021.
- Financial Statements, Amici Curiae Volunteer Training, July 20, 2021.
- Parenting Arrangements, Amici Curiae Volunteer Training, July 7, 2021.
- Are We Ready to Change? A Lawyer's Guide to Keeping Women and Children Safe in BC's Family Law System, June 10, 2021.
- Section 211 Toolkit Launch, Centre for Feminist Legal Studies, University of British Columbia, April 7, 2021.
- Working with Survivors of Violence as They Navigate the Legal System,
Family Resource Centre Society for the North Okanagan, Panel Discussion, April 4, 2021. - Supporting the Health of Survivors of Family Violence in Family Law Proceedings, funded by Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and organized by FREDA, Centre for Research on Violence Against Women, April 3, 2021.
- Decolonizing Family Law Through Trauma-Informed Practice, March 22, 2021.
- Why Can't Everyone Just Get Along? How BC's Family Law System Puts Survivors in Danger, Network to Eliminate Violence in Relationships Conference, March 6, 2021.
Newspaper Articles
- “When women Seek Legal Protection from Violence, Who Keeps Them Safe?” The Tyee March 7, 2020.
- “Don’t Just Remember the Massacred Women. Work for Change” The Tyee December 6, 2018.

Organization Affiliations
- Allard School of Law
Research Interests
- Courts, litigation and access to justice
- Family Law
- Feminist legal studies
- Law and social justice
- Law and society
- Law, gender and sexuality
How can the child support system in BC create safer and more effective processes for survivors of violence?