This Roundtable brings together women in anti-corruption to create a future space that promotes research, an exchange of experiences, and a deeper understanding of the impact of gender on corruption and of corruption on gender.
The relationship between gender and corruption may be divided into two areas: the impact of gender on corruption (the demand and supply side of corruption, i.e. the occurrence of corrupt activities and the relationship with gender) and the impact of corruption on gender (the differentiated impact of corrupt activities on women and girls).
Join our distinguished panelists as they discuss both spheres of the relationship between corruption and gender. Selected discussion topics:
- Does the empowerment of women in public life and in positions of power impact corrupt activities, e.g. what are the effects of gender in politics, industry, and in entrenched corruption?
- Do women in power disrupt existing networks of cronyism, patronage and clientelism? How does such disruption occur?
- What support do women need to disrupt?
- How can we prevent the creation of new corrupt networks once women are in power?
- Are there gender-specific characteristics that intrinsically increase vulnerability or resistance to corrupt activity?
Impact of Corruption on Gender:
- What support do women need to combat the gendered impacts of corruption?
- What are the implications of a gendered conceptualization of corruption, e.g. sextortion as a crime?
- How to include a gender dimension into anti-corruption programs?
- Lida Preyma - Director, Capital Markets Strategy at BMO Capital Markets
- Alexandra Wrage - President and Founder of Trace
- Sara Carnegie - Director, International Bar Association's Legal Policy and Research Unit, Author of "Sextortion: A Crime of Corruption and Sexual Exploitation"
- Hazel Feigenblatt - Consultant and Author of "Breaking the Silence Around Sextortion" (a Transparency International publication)
Moderated by Dr. Daniela Chimisso dos Santos, with opening remarks from Dr. Carol Liao, Centre for Business Law and closing remarks from Susan Côté-Freeman, Transparency International Canada.
Hosted by the Anti-Corruption Law Program, a collaborative partnership between the Centre for Business Law at the University of British Columbia Peter A. Allard School of Law, Transparency International Canada, and the International Centre for Criminal Reform & Criminal Justice Policy.
This event qualifies for 1.5 CPD ethics credits
- Centre for Business Law
- General Public
- Continuing Professional Development