Peter A Allard School of Law

UBC Innocence Project: Wrongful Conviction Speaker Series and Fundraiser

The UBC Innocence Project (the "Project") is excited to host an informative and interactive evening with exoneree Glen Assoun, his lawyer Sean MacDonald, and the Project's first exoneree, Tomas Yebes. Glen Assoun spent nearly 17 years behind bars for a crime he did not commit. He suffered abuse and harsh conditions, but never gave up hope that one day the truth would surface. Tomas Yebes was convicted in 1983, after a long difficult journey he was found not guilty in 2020. He will speak about how art has had a great influence on his life, and some of his work will be available to purchase online during this event. 

Join us in hearing first-hand from Mr. Assoun and Mr. Yebes about the injustices they experienced while fighting to prove their innocence.


This is a virtual event. Registrants will receive an email the day before the event with more information and the link to join.

All proceeds from this event will directly support the work of the UBC Innocence Project to assist individuals fighting to prove their innocence and to raise awareness about wrongful convictions in Canada. Make a donation and learn more about the UBC Innocence Project here:


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