Peter A Allard School of Law

Nexus Conference on Wrongful Convictions

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Event Description:

Those involved in post-conviction review and relief work in common law jurisdictions (such as Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand) face similar challenges and legal barriers with respect to remedying and preventing wrongful convictions. In response, the Nexus Conference on Wrongful Convictions will provide a virtual forum in which experience, research, and ideas can be exchanged between these countries. The objective of the NCWC is to facilitate dialogue and connections between legal practitioners, academics, students, and exonerees working in post-conviction review. We hope to discuss common challenges, share success stories, review the latest jurisprudence and advances in forensic science, and collaborate on recommendations for best practices and reform.

Each day of the conference will be hosted virtually by a different country. Following a keynote address, attendees will have the option of attending one of three breakout sessions, organized into three tracks: practice, scholarship, and policy. Each track will feature a panel of researchers and practitioners who will share their research, experiences and recommendations on a common theme and participate in a moderated discussion with other presenters and attendees. Exonerees will also be involved in the presentation of the conference and through participation in an exoneree track. A preliminary schedule can be found on the conference website.

The NCWC is jointly organized by the UBC Innocence Project, Innocence Canada, Innocence Project London, Griffith University Innocence Project, and The International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy.

Learn more about the conference:

Please email if you have questions

  • UBC Innocence Project
  • General Public
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