How do I register on Workday?
UBC has created a tutorial website to assist students with learning Workday.
What is the significance of a course number?
Law’s 200-level courses are for first-year students. The 300- and 400- level courses designate upper year JD courses. There is no distinction in difficulty between a 300- and a 400- level course and both second and third year students should freely select from both. 500-level courses designate graduate courses.
Can I take or register for a course if I don’t have the prerequisite?
The online course description document (found on the Courses & Exams page) produced by the Allard School of Law each year has the most current information on course prerequisites, and supersedes information contained in the Calendar or Workday. Instructors indicate pre-requisite courses to be completed prior to taking a course to ensure that students are properly prepared to succeed in that course. Instructors may waive prerequisites, and Workday will not prevent a student who has not taken a prerequisite from enrolling in a course. The Student Affairs Office cannot waive pre- or co-requisites.
I want to register in two classes that have the same course number and I am unable to do so on Workday. What do I do?
You are not permitted to register in a previously completed course again, or to register in two identical courses in the same academic year.
You may take a course that has the same course number as another course if they have course titles that are "Topics in...," such as 343C.001 and 343B.001, as long as the subtitles of the courses are different. Workday will not let you self-register into the second "Topics in..." course. You will need to email the Student Affairs Office in advance of registration, and Student Affairs staff will attempt to register you into the second "Topics in..." course when your registration time opens.
What courses should I prioritize?
Students should prioritize courses that they must take that academic year or that are crucial for their timetable to function. Third-year students must ensure that they register for any outstanding mandatory courses that they require for graduation; failure to do so may affect the ability to graduate. Additionally, second years, who register after third year students, should check the number of seats available in a class, and prioritize courses which have limited seats available. Students should enroll in term 1 and term 2 courses.
The class I want to take is full. How do I get into it? - Add yourself to the wait list.
Students wishing to register in a full course should place themselves on the wait list for the course on Workday. See the UBC tutorial on how to add yourself to a wait list. The number of students allowed to be wait listed will be limited to 10% of the maximum seats in the course (eg. 7 seats for a 70 seat class). Workday will send you an email when a seat opens up, and you will have 24 hours to register in the course. If you do not register, Workday will offer the seat to the next person on the wait list. Note that Workday will not inform you of your place on the wait list. As students juggle their schedule in the first two weeks of classes, seats frequently will open up.
If you do not intend to enroll in a course, please remove yourself from the waitlist!
The Student Affairs Office will not force students into full classes even if the instructor requests it.
I am a transfer student to UBC, what courses do I have to take?
You are required to comply with UBC’s degree requirements including our mandatory upper year courses. Please contact the Assistant Dean, Students prior to registering for upper year courses to confirm whether or not you need to complete any additional first year courses.
I want to clerk. Are there specific courses I should take?
The CSO has clerking handouts which may provide guidance for specific courts. For the BC Courts, there is specific online course guidance for prospective clerks.
What is the Academic Progress Report (APR) on Workday and what does it tell me?
The Academic Progress Report (or APR) tracks your progress towards your JD degree. To better understand your APR, please review the UBC Workday Tutorial. If you feel that there is an error in your APR, please contact Student Affairs asap.
How do I read the Academic Progress Report Wheel?
The Academic Progress Wheel displays the percentage of academic requirements you have completed for the JD degree. The Wheel does not show how many specific credits you have completed and a requirement is not counted if it is still in progress, so you should view your full Academic Progress Report (APR) for complete details.
Experiential Registration
I have been accepted into a clinic / externship / moot. How do I enroll in these courses? How do I enroll in the mandatory prerequisite or corequisite courses?
If you have been accepted for a clinic, externship or moot, you do not need to self-register these courses online. Student Affairs staff will register the accepted students in these courses and contact them in advance of registration to identify their preferred prerequisite or corequisite courses and sections. Clinic/externship/moot students should not attempt to self-register in these courses as Student Affairs staff will register them.
There are no set times allocated to my clinic / externship / moot in the upper year course listing. How do I ensure there will be no conflicts when selecting my other courses?
The clinic / externship / moot directors and coaches will contact accepted students in advance of course registration to discuss scheduling if there are any specific times that students are expected to be available. Generally, if an accepted student does not hear from the clinic / externship / moot director or coach, they may assume there will be no conflicts when selecting their courses. Accepted students who have concerns regarding their course selection and time conflicts may directly contact their clinic / externship /moot director or coach.
I am enrolled in a full-time clinic (15 credits). Can I take additional courses that term?
Students who are enrolled in full-time clinics or experiential experiences are not permitted to enroll in additional credits/courses other than those required by the clinic. The clinic should be your sole focus during the term.
Course Load Requirements
What is the average course load for an upper year student?
A full-time course load for a Law student is ~15 credits per term, or 30 credits per year. Some students take a few credits less and some take a few more, however, students must complete 60 upper year credits over the final two years of their JD degree including winter and summer sessions. There is no requirement that students enroll in exactly 30 credits per winter session.
How many credits should I enroll in to ensure I am award eligible in the Winter Session?
UBC requires that students be registered in 24 percentage-graded credits, and have an average of 75% or higher, to be eligible to be considered for merit-based continuing student scholarships and prizes. Exceptions can be made for students who are taking a reduced course load on recommendation of the Centre for Accessibility or for students who are in their last term of study and require less credits to graduate.
How many credits do I have to take to be loan-eligible?
To maintain eligibility for student loans and bursaries in the Winter Session, students must enroll in 60% of a full-time course load (9 credits per term for 2L/3L or 10 credits per term for 1L). Further information about loan eligibility is available online on the Enrolment Services website.
I would like to study part-time or take a reduced load. Is that possible?
Yes. Please make an appointment to meet with the Assistant Dean, Students, to discuss this option. Students on a reduced load are required to take a minimum of 6 credits per term, and 15 credits per year.
Directed Research, Audits, Non-Law Credits
How many credits of Directed Research can I apply towards my degree?
Eight (8). Students can enroll in a directed research with a full-time faculty member for between 2-4 credits. Directed Research courses offer JD students with an opportunity to do extensive research and writing on a topic of their choice. A final paper will be approximately 2500 words/credit (excluding bibliography). Students may enroll in Directed Research in the Summer or Winter Session. Students intending to enroll in a Directed Research should complete the registration form (available here) and return it by the appropriate deadline.
How do I audit a class?
Students interested in auditing a class should complete the Permission to Audit a Law Class form (available here), receive the instructor’s permission, and return the form to the Assistant Dean, Students for review and consideration. Requests for audit will not be approved if the class requested is full, and will not be approved if the number of credits for the audit course would exceed the maximum term (17 credits) or yearly (34 credits) allowable credits for the student. Students successfully registered in an Audit will be charged full tuition for the class.
Only students who are registered in a course for Audit or Credit are permitted to attend and sit in on a course.
I would like to take a course in another Faculty at UBC. How do I go about doing that and can it count for Law credit?
Students may, with advance permission, take courses in other Departments and Schools of the University for credit towards their JD degree. Such courses may be credited to a maximum of 6 credits towards their JD degree and the courses must be related to their legal studies. The guidelines for non-Law courses are:
- The Associate Dean, Academic Affairs, must be satisfied that the proposed course, taken in combination with the student's course of study within the Faculty, will contribute substantially to the student's understanding of the law and legal problems.
- Courses that relate to the study of law only by providing general perspectives on individual, social or commercial problems, or by providing knowledge that is not law-related but may prove useful in the practice of law, are not within the scope of the non-law option.
Further information about how to request such credit and the guidelines for the outside courses can be found on the Permission for a Law Student to Register in a Non-Law course form. Students with additional questions should contact the Assistant Dean, Students.
Academic Concessions, Accommodations, Course Withdrawals and Leaves of Absence
How do I request exam deferral or assignment extension?
Please review the Academic Concessions & Accommodations website, and contact the Assistant Dean, Students. Instructors are not able to grant extensions or deferrals.
I have a medical condition that requires accommodations, who do I speak to?
Please contact the Assistant Dean, Students in the Allard School of Law. Additionally, you should ensure that you have contacted and registered with UBC’s Centre for Accessibility office. You may also want to review the information on the Academic Concessions & Accommodations website.
When can I withdraw from a course and can I receive a tuition refund?
UBC sets deadlines for the last date to drop a course without a withdrawal (W) status and with a withdrawal (W) status noted on your transcript. Withdrawal dates for each term are set out in the UBC Calendar and reminders are sent to students via the Weekly Bulletin.
If you drop a course without a W, you will receive a refund of any tuition fees paid. Dropping a course with a W will result in some tuition assessment depending on the timing of the drop.
Withdrawal from a course after the last date to drop with a W is available as an academic concession and only in exceptional circumstances (for example, inability to complete the course due to a sudden health condition or tragedy, or you are experiencing unforeseen circumstances which are impacting your studies). Late withdrawals can only be granted with approval from the Assistant Dean, Students. Students requesting a late withdrawal should do so promptly and are expected to provide supporting documentation. Late withdrawals are not available if you have written the final exam or completed the final assessments in the course. If you have received a late withdrawal from a course as an academic concession, you may be eligible for a tuition adjustment or refund in extraordinary and extenuating circumstances, including but not limited to medical and compassionate grounds. Students should contact their Law Enrolment Services Advisor and view the online information to assess eligibility for a tuition refund or adjustment.
If you remained registered in the course past the withdrawal deadline, and do not qualify for academic concession, you have committed to completing the course.
Can I take a leave of absence from law school?
The law school generally grants a leave from law studies for one semester or one year. Students considering this option should contact the Assistant Dean, Students.
Is it possible to study at another law school for one or two semesters?
Yes, Law students may study for one semester or one year at another law school and have the credit earned count towards their UBC law degree. There are two ways in which to do so:
(1) Exchange
Law students have the opportunity to attend another law school on an approved exchange program for one semester or one year in second or third year. More information here.
(2) Letter of Permission/Visiting Student
Students may attend another Canadian law school for one semester or one year on a letter of permission as a visiting student. Students must apply directly to the other law school for admission as a visiting student. Please contact the Assistant Dean, Students to request a letter of permission to attend another institution. The letter will be issued if you are in good standing, and are able to complete your UBC required courses at UBC (note exceptions can be made if you can prove that you can complete the course requirement at the visiting school). Generally letters of permission are only granted for the Winter session.
The law school will not transfer credit from study abroad programs (summer or otherwise) unless the program is an approved Allard School of Law exchange program.
What is my class rank? I am applying for a scholarship that requires my class rank and/or for the law school to affirm I am in the top 10% of the class.
The Allard School of Law does not rank students and will not release ranking information under any circumstances. The School does, however, provide grade ranges. Each year, the School produces a grade distribution letter which provides our range of grades, the descriptor for each, and the percentage spread for each year of students in that Winter Session. Grade Distribution Letters can be found here.
My bank requires a letter indicating that I am completing full time studies. How do I obtain such a letter?
Workday allows students to print out a Confirmation of Enrolment letter that may meet the needs of your financial institution. Should you require a more detailed letter, please complete this form, and provide it to Patricia Penaflorida, Coordinator, Academic Services, and she would be happy to assist you.
How do I order a transcript?
The Allard School of Law cannot produce student transcripts. To order a UBC transcript, please review the Ordering a Transcript page.