Peter A Allard School of Law

Upper Year Courses & Exams

All classes and final examinations for the 2024-2025 Academic Year will be held in-person, and the examinations will be run in secure mode using ExamSoft's Examplify software.  Secure mode means that students will not be able to access the internet or applications other than Examplify on their computer while taking their exams.

UppearYearAnchor2024-2025 Upper Year Courses

2024-2024 Course Timetables, Course Descriptions, and Exam Schedules are Now Available. 

Fall 2024 Term 1

Fall Term Classes: September 3 - December 6.

Holidays: National Day for Truth & Reconciliation,  September 30;
Thanksgiving, October 14; Remembrance Day, November 11.

Fall Term Break: November 12-13

Spring 2025 Term 2

Spring Term Classes: January 6 - April 8.

Holidays: Family Day, February 17; Good Friday & Easter Monday, April 18 and April 21.

Spring Term Reading Week: February 18 - 21; 

Examination Policies, Information and Schedules

Fall and Spring Examination Schedules

View Exam Policies and Computerized Exam Information

Pursuant to a UBC directive, classrooms have been removed from the course listings and timetables.  View your personal course timetable by logging into Workday. Course listings, course timetables, and examination schedules are subject to change.

Summer Courses

Visit the JD LLMCL Summer Program page for 2025 Summer Course Information

First-Year Courses

First-year students should visit the first-year program page.

ChangesAnchorChanges to Schedule

Lists changes to schedules, new courses and course cancellations. Consult this document regularly, particularly before registering. Course schedules are subject to change.  Download the Changes to Schedule

View Course, Timetables & Exams Archives

View Course, Timetables & Exams Archives

RegisterAnchor2025 Winter Session (Fall Term 1 & Spring Term 2) Registration Dates

Registration for Fall 2025 and Spring 2026 (2025W) will take place in July, 2025 (exact dates TBA). 

The Workday Tutorial page shares information to help you navigate Workday - the system used for registration. 

ThirdAnchorThird-year and Second-year Students:

  • You are allowed to register for a maximum of 17 credits for term 1 and 17 credits for term 2 for a maximum credit load of 34 credits in the Winter Session (terms 1 and 2 combined).
  • Third-Year Students: Registration will open at TBA. You may register for ALL your 2025-2026 credits at this time.
  • Second-Year Students:Registration will open at TBA. You may register for ALL your 2025-2026 credits at this time. 

Exchange Students:

  • You are allowed to register for a maximum of 17 credits per term or up to 30 credits per Winter Session (terms 1 and 2 combined).

WorklistAnchorCreate Saved Schedules & Register on Workday 

Students must have all registration holds (i.e., financial holds) cleared prior to registration. Please contact a Law ES Advisor  for financial advising or assistance.

New to UBC students such as transfer and visiting students must ensure that they have paid their registration deposit for 2024W. You can do this through Workday beginning one - two weeks prior to the first day of registration for your year. Registration deposits are: $600 for new to UBC domestic JD transfer students, $600 for returning to UBC domestic JD transfer students, $600 for new domestic JD visiting students. Continuing students and exchange students do not pay a registration deposit.

Students seeking guidance on registration may wish to view the UBC tutorial on how to register including how to create a Saved Schedule.

Upper-Year Law Courses will be viewable and the timetable Saved Schedule function is available to you on Workday by the end of the week one week prior to the first day of registration.  The timetable Saved Schedule function will enable you to pre-select your Law courses and timetable preferences for registration (you will NOT be able to actually register until registration opens).

If you experience any technical difficulties with the timetable Saved Schedule function or with online registration, assistance is available through Enrolment Services (604-822-2844).  If you have any non-technical questions regarding registration, please email Susan Morin, or if you have advising questions contact Kaila Mikkelsen, Assistant Dean, Students, or Zack Uganec, Manager, Student Affairs. Appointments with Kaila or Zack can be made via Calendly.

TipsAnchorRegistration Guidance & Tips (this information will be updated prior to July to reflect the move to Workday Student)

Review the Beyond 1L Upper Year Course Selection AdviceDegree Requirements and Frequently Asked Questions; they answer the most common questions Student Affairs receives about registration and advising. If your question is not answered , then please follow up with the relevant  Student Affairs Office staff member.

Make sure not to register for any courses that have exams that conflict.

Make sure to have backup courses planned in advance in case you are not able to register into the courses that are your first choice.

After you register, log completely out of Workday, then log back into Workday and check your personal timetable to make sure that you actually are registered in the courses in which you think you are registered.

Credit/D/Fail - Not Available in Law

When viewing the details about Law courses on Workday, you may notice a generic message stating, "This course is eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading." Students in the Law programs are not eligible for this grading option.


You will notice that there are TBAs for some courses listed in Workday while there are instructor names listed in the course listings above. This is because these instructors are new and are still being setup in the University's human resources and course scheduling systems. Once they have been setup in these systems, their names will be reflected on Workday. For now, you can rely on the course listings documents above for those instructor names.

Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites

There are no hard pre-/co-requisites set on any of our courses in Workday that will prevent you from registering. You may receive messages about pre-requisites or co-requisites, but you will not be prevented from registering for any courses because of the messages. Please see the FAQs for more guidance on pre-requisites.

Please make sure to check the timetables, course listings, exam schedules and “Changes to Schedule” documents above prior to creating your registration worklists and again just prior to registering. as the information is subject to change. Do not rely on old copies of documents that you may have saved or printed!

Directed Research and Other Special Registration Forms

Request forms to apply for directed research, audit a law course or register in a non-law course are available online.  Please email if you have any questions.

Registering for Courses With the Same Course Number

You are not permitted to take a course a second time to improve your grade. You may take a course a second time, if you failed the course the first time. 

Registering for "Topics in..." Courses with the Same Course Number

You may take a course that has the same course number as another course if they have course titles that are "Topics in...," such as 343C.001 and 343B.001, as long as the subtitles of the courses are different.  Workday will not let you self-register into the second "Topics in..." course.  You will need to email the Student Affairs Office in advance of registration, and Student Affairs staff will attempt to register you into the second "Topics in..." course when your registration time opens.

Graduate Courses

JD students are allowed to be registered in some graduate courses.  JD students can determine which graduate courses they are allowed to take by looking at the notes on those courses in the Fall and Spring Course Listings reports on this website and on Workday.  If you would like to register for a graduate course, please email the Student Affairs Office in advance of registration, and Allard Law staff will attempt to register you into the course once your registration time opens.

Section Capacity - 0

A Section Capacity of 0 (zero) means that there are no seats open for self-registration and the Status of the course will be "Closed."  The Public Notes on the course section number on Workday will explain if the course is a "Registration by Permission Only" course.

Full Courses - Wait lists

If a course that you wish to take is full, then you should register yourself into the wait list. See the UBC tutorial on how to add yourself to a wait list.

Moots, Clinics, First Year Courses and Other "by Permission Only" Courses

Students taking part in moots, clinics, first year courses (as an upper year student) and other “by permission only” courses will be contacted through email by Student Services staff about their registration into those courses prior to the first day of registration. Student Services staff will register those students into their moot, clinic, first-year and other "by permission only" courses.

Seminar Requirement Reminder

Students are required to complete a 3 credit seminar or directed research as a graduation requirement.  Courses worth 3 credits and identified as seminar in the course listings, meet the seminar requirement. Workshops and courses do not meet the seminar requirement

Intensive Seminars

We allow time conflicts for intensive courses only (those are the 1-2 credit courses held over a 1-2 week period with visiting professors) where the online course description clearly states conflicts are allowed, however you will not be able to self-register in an intensive course that conflicts with another course. If you have such a time conflict, contact the Student Affairs Office in advance of registration so that she can attempt to register you in the intensive course when registration opens.

advising anchorStudent Affairs Office: J.D. Academic Advising & Registration Questions

General course advising can be found on the Beyond 1L - Upper Year Course Selection Advice page.

If you require academic advising, please contact Kaila Mikkelsen, Assistant Dean, Students or Zack Uganec, Manager, Student Affairs. Contact info (including Calendly appointment bookings) can be found here.

Student Services will be holding Drop-in Academic Advising sessions through June and July. Please check the Allard Law Academic Calendar for dates and times, and your email for Zoom links.

If you have registration questions, please contact Susan Morin, Director, Academic Services (Allard 151, or 604-822-6731), Patricia Penaflorida, Coordinator of Student Academic Services (Allard 153, or 604-827-5728), or Katie Gardner, Coordinator of Student Academic Services (Allard 153,

Photo of Patricia Penaflorida, Cherry Chiu, Susan Morin and Katie Gardner.

Peter A. Allard School of Law UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Caret A month-view page from a calendar. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Contact A page from a rolodex. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Instagram An arrow exiting a rectangle. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Mail An envelope. Minus A minus sign. Telephone An antique telephone. Play A media play button. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Rss The logo for the Reddit social media service. Rss A symbol with radiating bars indicating an RSS feed. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.